Friday, March 7, 2014

SOL 7/31- Max and Kam's Class

The sun is hiding behind the clouds, the chill of the outside is here, and the sky is a dull gray. But that doesn't change anything for me. I'm at my neighbors house, and we are about to go out for ice cream with their nanny's daughter (she is in her 20s). We are going to a place called Sweet Action, which changes a flavor every day and they are really unique for example, PB and J, Nerds, Vanilla Bean, and many more. What's cool is that the employees make all their flavors, and so they are creative and unique. I get a bunch of Vanilla Bean, in a cone. When I lick it, I smile. It is SO GOOD!!! It may be just Vanilla Bean ice cream (hehe that rhymes) but it's still really good. Out of all of us, I finish last and we leave the parlor. We get back into the car, and since it was a pretty far walk to the car, we are shivering since we just ate ice cream and it's freezing outside (yeah, we're such rebels!).

1 comment:

  1. You piece really conveys the feeling and emotion of out of season ice cream. How fun!
