Thursday, March 27, 2014

SOL 28/31- Max and Kam's Class

When I was in 3rd grade, I really wanted to get another dog. I had one, but it was big and not that friendly to anyone except for me, my brother and my parents. That morning, I begged my dad to go to the pet store 'just to look' at dogs. My dad finally agreed and we hopped into the car. We arrived at the pet store, and started looking at/petting the dogs. A employee walked by holding a tiny puppy that was adorable. "Can I pet it?" I asked her. "Yes but not of the head." She sees my confused look and adds, "A different dog did his business on this little guy's head." I look over at the other dogs but I have my mind on the one who the lady carried away to wash. I argue with my dad about getting him and he finally admits he really liked that dog too. It is time to leave, so we get back into the car and I call my mom. 

She checks him out and immediately falls in love with him. Later that day we all come and buy him, and agree on the name Benny.


  1. Wow. You got a dog that fast? It took me two weeks to get a rat! Nice slice!

  2. Your parents seem to be swayed pretty easily! When I was younger, I wanted a snake and my mom was like: "nope" every time I asked. I didn't end up getting a snake. What was the name of your first dog?
