Monday, March 24, 2014

SOL 24/31- Max and Kam's Class

The sun is beaming at me, and I am sitting in my friend's car with all the windows open and the music turned up all the way. I am with two of my friends, Lelete and Sebastian. We are singing along to the music, and it is super fun. In case you were wondering, I am at a 3 year old's birthday party, and I got bored so I just went outside with my friends. I turn down the music, and we start trying to figure out how to turn on the mist to wash the windshield. I stick my head out of the top window thing, and Sebastian turns on the water and I get soaked. I scream and grab Sebastian's basketball and start dribbling it down the parking lot. I pass it to Lelete, and she passes it back. Sebastian steals it, and I run back to the car with Lelete and lock the doors. I make a face at Sebastian, and he frowns. I unlock the doors and turn the music back on. We continue rocking out and I am having so much fun!


  1. I love this post. It's such a true slice of some bored older siblings at a youngster's party. Silly, fun, obnoxious, teasing, real. Nice job!

  2. That sounds like an amusing birthday party.

  3. I know what you mean because all of my cousins I see are like 4 or younger. Great slice, and it sounds like lots of fun!
