Monday, March 17, 2014

SOL 17/31- Max and Kam's Class

Tic Toc. Tic Toc. I hear clock tic, ruining the silence. I am sitting at my kitchen table, doing my math homework (:/). When I finish, I run upstairs and onto my iPad. I watch some videos and then read. It is snowing outside, and the sky is grey and sad. It is already 2, (on a Sunday) and my stomach is growling. I come back downstairs and have some lunch and watch TV. This was fun, because I just relaxed (after I did math; I mean who would have fun doing math? Not me.).


  1. That sounds just like my sunday. Except for the math homework I 'forgot' to do that.

  2. On Sunday, I woke up at 12 and hung out until 3, but I didn't do any homework.
