Friday, March 14, 2014

SOL 14/31- Max and Kam's Class

I sit at the fire, and I am watching a movie on my iPad. I am relaxing on my bean bag, watching Frozen. Again. I look over at the crackling fire, and my dog jumps into my lap and I pet him. It's warm, sitting by the fire, when your heater is broken. I'm at my house, alone, relaxing and just chillin (literally). I finish Frozen, and eat some snacks. My dog follows me, and stands on his hind legs. 

"No." I say.

Then I feel bad and give him a treat. Then I take my snack back to the fire and eat. I watch some videos and have fun. It was fun, because I got to relax.


  1. I always feel so bad when I'm eating and my dogs follow me around the kitchen.

  2. Watching a great movie by the fire with a beloved friend. Sounds like a great way to spend a Friday--even if the friend wants half your snack.

  3. I love that you are watching Frozen and are yourself frozen. Nice parallel. Though I'm sad your cold!
