Sunday, March 1, 2015

SOL- 1 out of 31 March 1st- It's Just The Beginning

I step into the school and take a deep breath. This is my first year in AS, and I'm going to spend the next three years or so, and I'm kinda scared. Not only is there more more work to do, but we are the oldest people in the school (besides the teachers) and some of the students seem tall and scary. Plus, I will be the youngest in AS, which is kinda creepy. As I walk up the stairs and through the hallway, I feel a chill going up my spine, and exploding through my body. Of course, then the goosebumps erupt, but slowly start to disappear. I walk into the classroom, and some people greet me as I walk around cluelessly trying to find my desk. The first day of school starts out well with talking about our summers, and getting to know each other. I sense that it will be a fun year, even if I'm the youngest in all of AS.


  1. I love your slice! I do not think I have seen a slice about last year yet, and I love how you choose to write about the first day too.

  2. You did a wonderful job of conveying your anxiety of starting school last year. The goosebumps line is excellent. I believe you sensed correctly in the last line :)
