This is it.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
This is it. 31 SOLs for every day of the month. Of course, I hope I got every day of the month, and posted everything I needed to. Of course I ran out of ideas many, many times. If I could, I would definitely do this challenge again, because writing is really fun (SOMETIMES) and it's really not that bad. Who knows, maybe it will come in handy one day. I mean I won't plan on it, but just knowing how to write about your own life helps with inspiration for other writing projects. Compared to other things I have done, this is really fun. Maybe sometimes I'll get stuck, and so will everyone- but believe me, it's not that bad.
Monday, March 30, 2015
SOL- March 30th 30/31- What It's Like to be a 7th Grader
I know. Being a 7th grader isn't as tough as being an 8th grader, but still. There's time to relax, yet again, it's your last year to really have some slack. In 8th grade I'll have 2 units, and I'll have to worry about high schools and a speech and all that stuff. But being a 7th grader isn't all fun and games, either. Instead of leaving every assignment to the last minute on that Sunday night, when everything is due on that next Monday, you would do at least some through out the week right? That's how it is here. You can't leave all that stuff to when your an 8th grader, like all those high schools. But being a 7th grader is really fun, and being in AS in general. It's not all homework and no fun, we get more freedom, and are the role models. I don't know how it will feel being an 8th grader, but I bet it's not so bad.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
SOL- March 29th 29/31
The trees wave at me through the window, the slight breeze blowing them back and forth. The leaves rustle, moving to the groove of the trees. The sky is a pure blue, not a single cloud in sight. The flowers are open and alive, showing off their colors so people could admire them. The mountains have highlights of snow here and there, but not too much. There is some snow that's just there, and can't be melted. Even though it's morning, it's very warm, and once I get dressed we will head off to start our day. Sometimes I just like to start out my day by looking out the window, just so the bright colors and sun wakes me up.
Saturday, March 28, 2015
SOL- March 28th 28/31

Friday, March 27, 2015
SOL- March 27th 27/31
I have to write 8 SOLs for the time I'm in Israel, and I have to schedule them to post on my blog. I'm not very good at coming up with ideas right on the spot, so writing 8 Slices of Life in a row is pretty hard. What should I write about? My dog? Ok. Here it goes:
I'm laying on my bed, on my phone and relaxing, when I feel a shake from under my bed. I hear some scratching too, like something against a carpet. From what I know, but I'm not 100% sure, my dog isn't in my room. My bed starts shaking like crazy. Have I gone mad? Is something happening outside that is causing my bed to shake? Is my house getting wrecked down?
"Mom?" I call.
"Do you feel that?" I ask stupidly.
"The shaking!"
Hmm. I think I've gone mad. I better check under my bed. I look. My dog is sleeping there innocently, and then gets up, and starts scratching at the carpet. How could such a small dog shake a bed? I let out a sigh of relief. I haven't gone mad. That's good.
I'm laying on my bed, on my phone and relaxing, when I feel a shake from under my bed. I hear some scratching too, like something against a carpet. From what I know, but I'm not 100% sure, my dog isn't in my room. My bed starts shaking like crazy. Have I gone mad? Is something happening outside that is causing my bed to shake? Is my house getting wrecked down?
"Mom?" I call.
"Do you feel that?" I ask stupidly.
"The shaking!"
Hmm. I think I've gone mad. I better check under my bed. I look. My dog is sleeping there innocently, and then gets up, and starts scratching at the carpet. How could such a small dog shake a bed? I let out a sigh of relief. I haven't gone mad. That's good.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
SOL- March 26th 26/31
I draw one line. Then erase it. I draw another line. Then erase it. Everything I try to draw turns out bad. It kind of sucks, because I like to draw, except for when everything I try to draw turns out bad. On rare occasions, they actually turn out good, for example when I drew a giraffe, and it looked really good but not right now. I never really sit down and draw, but when I have an assignment and I have to include art, I want the drawing to look perfect. But it doesn't. I start a light sketch of something, knowing that I will probably erase it. But I don't.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
SOL- March 25th 25/31
My eyes land on the sign. Starbucks. We are finally here. We can relax, and enjoy our drinks. I order a cotton candy frappuccino, for the first time, and wait for them to make it. My friends order a caramel frappuccino and a green tea frappuccino. I take a sip of the cold, refreshing drink, and it's delicious. Even though it's a vanilla bean frappuccino with raspberry, it tastes exactly like cotton candy. I instantly fall in love. There are a lot of things on the Starbucks Secret Menu, and what I've tried it delicious. There is a website called hack the menu, and check it out HERE (There is are a lot of other Secret Menus for Chick Fil A and Dairy Queen, and etc.)
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Book Blog- March 24th 24/31

SOL- March 24th 24/31
We all have days where we have nothing to do, and we are really bored. I mean sometimes, I'm just procrastinating and I actually have a ton of work but I just don't want to do it, or, I actually have nothing to do. It's Thursday, we have no school, and I'm just sitting at home not knowing what to do. I still have to go to the doctor's today, to get my last HPV shot, but that's not until later. Many of my friends have other plans, and a lot of them are at school. Tomorrow I'll have a busy day, I have to help out at the book fair, and I have my conference. But for now, I'm just sitting on the couch watching videos and eating jelly beans. Oh well.
Monday, March 23, 2015
SOL- March 23rd 23/31
I go into my closet, trying to decide what to bring. I'm not sure how the weather will be in Israel, but hopefully it will be warm. I mean, I packed warm clothes, but it won't last me 10 days. I also pack lots of shorts, and clothes for warm weather, because it will probably be warm. I'm excited to go to Israel, but I'm kind of nervous to go, and plus, our flight is at 8:00 AM on Wednesday, meaning we will have to be at the airport at around 6:00, which means we will have to leave the house at 5:30, and I'll have to wake up at 4:00, to make sure that we have everything. But I've never been to Israel before, so it'll be exciting and a new experience.
Sunday, March 22, 2015
SOL- March 22nd 22/31
On March 17th was St. Patrick's day. But also my dog's birthday. The dog we had to put to sleep, he was suffering so badly. It was a happy day, because everyone was cheerful, but at some point throughout the day I just had to remember something about him. Like when I would always ask my dad to get my dog into trouble for no reason when I was 3. Or when I would sit on him has if he was a horse (He was a big dog, a chow chow mix, and very friendly with people he knew) when I was 2. And when I would lay down next to him in the sun and relax, when I was younger. I especially remember (And this isn't very good, but hey, I was 3) when I would run around my backyard asking my grandma to chase me so my dog would be all protective and and bark at her to make sure she wouldn't hurt me, because he was a very protective dog around me, he treated me very well, and he it truly an amazing dog.
Saturday, March 21, 2015
SOL- March 21st 21/31- Ten more to go!
I'm sitting here writing my Slice of Life, watching the sun shine through the windows, trying to get me to go outside. Of course I want to go outside, but not yet. It's spring, the birds are back to chirping, the snow has disappeared, and the warm weather is here to stay, at least until late fall. All the memories of spring and summer rush through my mind, but they're good memories. Here's one:
I can't go any farther along the path. It's not that I'm too tiered, but there is a giant snake in front of me. My dad stops my dog from stepping on the snake. Although I have no other choice, going around the snake through the grass doesn't seem fun. We are at the dog park, so it's kind of gross. I cautiously go around the snake, making sure I don't step on it, because that would NOT be good.
Ok. I'm done with my SOL. Time to go outside!
I can't go any farther along the path. It's not that I'm too tiered, but there is a giant snake in front of me. My dad stops my dog from stepping on the snake. Although I have no other choice, going around the snake through the grass doesn't seem fun. We are at the dog park, so it's kind of gross. I cautiously go around the snake, making sure I don't step on it, because that would NOT be good.
Ok. I'm done with my SOL. Time to go outside!
Friday, March 20, 2015
SOL- March 20th 20/31
We all yell " Happy New Year!" and confetti goes all around. Hopefully this will be one of the best years of my life. Maybe it won't, but if it is, I'm in luck. Soon we are at the table eating dessert and having a great time laughing. Eventually when we are all tired, we start drifting off, but it's too early to go to bed on New Years. So we come together and party all night. I know that at some point I'll have to go home, but I don't want to go anytime soon cause it's been an amazing New Years Eve and I hope my year will go on like that.
Thursday, March 19, 2015
SOL-March 19th 19/31
Every time I go to the pet store to get my dog or hamster something, I always fall in love with one dog. This time, it was a golden doodle, and as soon as I saw it and started to pet it's soft, fuzzy fur, I fell in love. I couldn't take my eyes off this adorable, sweet dog, who unlike the other puppies in its cage who were nibbling on my coat and trying to bite me. This dog was licking me, and being really calm. When it's time to leave the store, we walk out and My heart starts to sink. I know I won't be able to get that dog, but maybe if I really try, I will.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
SOL- 18/31 March 18th
I splash my foot around in the water, ready to jump in. The sun's rays dance down my back, warming me up. The fresh, humid air swivels around me and I jump. The blue water splashes onto my face and makes a small splash when I hop in. I get back out of the water and try again. This time, I don't belly flop into the water, but I kind of fall into it letting it catch me and pull me in. This time I don't get out. I swim over to the bar that's in the water, order a strawberry daiquiri, and sit on the underwater chairs. Someone swims up next to me, and taps my shoulder. It's just my friend. We get our drinks and go over to the beach chairs to drink them. After that, we go onto the hammocks, allowing them to rock us back and forth, until all we can do is relax.
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Book Blog- 17/31 March 17th
This week I read a book called Yaqui Delgado Wants to Kick Your Ass by Meg Medina and it talks a lot about bullying. It's about a girl named Piedad Sanchez, and she really has a tough time at her new school. First off, someone tells her that "Yaqui Delgado wants to kick your ass" and she doesn't even know who that is. She has to figure out who Yaqui is and fast, before anything happens. But it's not only hard for her at school. She lives in an apartment with her mom, who is pretty strict. And her dad, all Piedad knows is that he left before she was born. She wants to figure out more about her dad, but she HAS to get rid of Yaqui. This was a pretty good book, although it wasn't my favorite. Like I said, it talks a lot about bullying, and social issues. It has a lot of mature topics, but not as much as other books. I would recommend this book to anyone, and people who like books about bullying.
The Killing Woods
The Promise of a Pencil
The Killing Woods
The Promise of a Pencil
Monday, March 16, 2015
SOL- 16/31 March 16th
My feet sink into the mud with each step I take. The sun is shining on my back, and peering through the trees. I sit down, my group also sitting down, and we begin the activity. 3 hares on the board, the lynx gets none. It dies. 6 hares on the board, the lynx gets none and dies. When we get to 12, it's my turn to throw the lynx. It gets one hare, but that's not enough. It dies. By the way, the lynx is a cardboard square and the hares are foam pieces. Then come the larger numbers. 178 hares, and 50 lynx. And so on. We keep playing for another 30 minutes, and then it's time to clean up and meet up with everyone and go back to the buses. It was a fun time, I'm looking forward to another field trip.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
SOL- 15/31 March 15th
I walk into my backyard, barefoot, to see my parents running around with my dog. It's around 8:00 AM, and the weather is really nice. I go back inside to call my cousin outside, but he's already downstairs. We go back outside so we can talk about what we're going to do today. We had some sort of break, and so did my cousin, so they came here to visit from Atlanta, Georgia. After a while of deciding what we will do, we decide on going to the pool and then we'll go out to lunch or something. We eat some breakfast, and head out the door. I get into the car, watching trees rustle in the wind, and I hear the birds chirping their song.
Saturday, March 14, 2015
SOL- March 14th 14/31
I remember when I was really little, and I was sitting near a phone and I accidentally called the police. It went like this:
I'm sitting on the couch with my grandma, she's reading a book and I'm just looking around. I was about 1 and a half, so I didn't know too much. I see our home phone next to me, and start pressing random numbers. Apparently those weren't any random numbers, because they would dial the police. I lay the phone back down and continue looking around all innocently and curiously. 15 minutes later, the bell rings. My grandma stood up, picked me up, and went to answer the door. My mom was with her friends, and my dad was at work, so we had no idea who it would be. She opens the door, and sees the police standing there.
"What happened, you guys called us." They say.
"I don't think we called you." My grandma says, nervously.
"If you didn't call us, she must have." The policeman says, pointing to me, and I had a evil smile on my face.
My grandma lets out a sigh of relief.
"We still need to examine the house." They say. "But we get a lot of calls from babies." They laugh.
They examine the whole house, and then leave. My grandma apologizes one more time, and closes the door behind them. She took a deep breath, and laughed. At least everything was ok.
This wasn't the only time I did this, my grandma and parents still tell me I did it at least 2 more times. Oops..
I'm sitting on the couch with my grandma, she's reading a book and I'm just looking around. I was about 1 and a half, so I didn't know too much. I see our home phone next to me, and start pressing random numbers. Apparently those weren't any random numbers, because they would dial the police. I lay the phone back down and continue looking around all innocently and curiously. 15 minutes later, the bell rings. My grandma stood up, picked me up, and went to answer the door. My mom was with her friends, and my dad was at work, so we had no idea who it would be. She opens the door, and sees the police standing there.
"What happened, you guys called us." They say.
"I don't think we called you." My grandma says, nervously.
"If you didn't call us, she must have." The policeman says, pointing to me, and I had a evil smile on my face.
My grandma lets out a sigh of relief.
"We still need to examine the house." They say. "But we get a lot of calls from babies." They laugh.
They examine the whole house, and then leave. My grandma apologizes one more time, and closes the door behind them. She took a deep breath, and laughed. At least everything was ok.
This wasn't the only time I did this, my grandma and parents still tell me I did it at least 2 more times. Oops..
Friday, March 13, 2015
SOL- March 13 13/31
There are times when I have nothing to write about, and this is one of them. I just can't think of any SOL ideas that I already did. I tap my foot slightly against the ground, and try to get more ideas to write about. People chat around me, and are all at work. I occasionally get up to talk to people, but I still don't have any ideas. Maybe I'm just tiered, or I just don't have any ideas what so ever, but everyone has those times. I still have 18 more SOLs to write. I know I just wrote a Slice of Life, but I still don't have any ideas for my next ones.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
SOL- 12/31 March 12th
6:30- I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock, beeping and ringing in a really annoying way, so I right away turn it off. I lay in bed for another 5 minutes, because I can't stand the sight of it being dark when I wake up. Next I get out of bed, get dressed, and do all the other stuff I need to do before breakfast.
7:00- I'm sitting at the breakfast table, watch the sun rise, and sit on my phone. I like to take my time and relax before school, but that doesn't always help.
7:45- I finish up packing my lunch, all ready to go.
7:55- I'm out the door, in the car, and off to school.
8:10- I'm at school, finishing up anything or just chatting with people.
8:30- My day begins, and there's no going back.
7:00- I'm sitting at the breakfast table, watch the sun rise, and sit on my phone. I like to take my time and relax before school, but that doesn't always help.
7:45- I finish up packing my lunch, all ready to go.
7:55- I'm out the door, in the car, and off to school.
8:10- I'm at school, finishing up anything or just chatting with people.
8:30- My day begins, and there's no going back.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
SOL- 11/31 March 11th Biking Part 2
After we get on our bikes, we go through our neighborhood and through a tunnel under the road meant for bikers and other people, and end up taking a path around a huge golf course. After going around the golf course, we head over to a park and take a little break. We then bike back home where lunch is waiting. After a while of biking, I just want to relax. And by the time I eat lunch and relax, and hang out with my neighbors, the sprinklers turn on and we decide that we should run through them. I go first, running through all the sprinklers and back around. The water attacks me, and I try to fight back. I get all wet, laughing and spinning until I fall down. Next, it's my neighbors turn. She runs through a few, then ducks over one, and while attempting to jump over another one, she slips and falls right onto a sprinkler, her flip flops squeaking in the wet grass. She then gets up, starts laughing and we keep going and running through the sprinklers. At least it was warm outside, and we were having a great time.
Book Blog- 10/31 March 10th
Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli is about a boy named Leo Borlock goes to a normal high school in Mica, Arizona, where there are normal people, living normal lives. Well, up until a girl named Stargirl starts going to the same high school as Leo. She changes his life, and he figures out the secrets and all about Stargirl. Stargirl is a lot different from everyone else. She acts differently, and doesn't care what people think. Overall, I think this was a quick and easy book- not necessarily my favorite, but it's pretty good. If you would like a book to read that's a quick and easy one, this would be good for anyone.
SOL- 9/31 March 9th Biking Part 1
I'm sitting on my patio, the summer's wind slightly blowing in my face. The sun is high up in the sky, and its shining onto the bright green grass, and snow-free roads. It's no longer winter, meaning no snow, no cold weather, and no school. And best of all, my birthday and vacations. I check my phone. 11:45. When I finally decide to go inside, my dad says,
"Our neighbors are going bike riding and they were wondering if we wanted to go."
Today's weather is perfect, not too hot, not too cold. Perfect to go ride around on bikes. I go into my garage to get my bike, then back outside to my neighbors driveway, where they are waiting for me and my dad. We get on our bikes, and off we go.
(Part 2 will be on Wednesday)
"Our neighbors are going bike riding and they were wondering if we wanted to go."
Today's weather is perfect, not too hot, not too cold. Perfect to go ride around on bikes. I go into my garage to get my bike, then back outside to my neighbors driveway, where they are waiting for me and my dad. We get on our bikes, and off we go.
(Part 2 will be on Wednesday)
Sunday, March 8, 2015
SOL- 8/31 March 8th
A delicious smell wafts through the kitchen, meaning my brownies are almost ready. I walk around the kitchen, pacing back and forth, while my friend is checking on the brownies. When we decide they are ready, we take them out of the oven and barely wait for them to cool of because we want them so badly. I cut off a piece, let it cool for 2 minutes, and eat it. It is delicious. It's chewy on the inside, and king of crunchy on the outside. I just love it.
Saturday, March 7, 2015
SOL- 7/31 March 7th
Darkness surrounds me. I have no idea where I am, or what is happening. I don't know if I'm falling, sitting, or anything. I can't feel the rest of my body, and it's too dark to even see the rest of it. I try to close my eyes. Slowly my eyes open. I'm not in complete darkness. In fact, I am outside. But everything looks blurry, as if I don't have my contact lenses on. I blink, thinking maybe then I will see better. Surely enough, that doesn't help. But I am 100% sure I have my contacts on. But that isn't the biggest of my worries. All I know is that I'm outside, but nothing else. I try to look or any shelter, but nothing. It starts to get dark, my vision getting worse and worse by the second. I fall.
I wake up, panting. I take a deep breath, and make sure it was a dream by pinching myself and trying to stand up. After a while of checking, I realize, it was just a dream.
I wake up, panting. I take a deep breath, and make sure it was a dream by pinching myself and trying to stand up. After a while of checking, I realize, it was just a dream.
Thursday, March 5, 2015
SOL- 6/31 March 6th
I wake up to my alarm, at 6:15 and after a while of procrastinating I get out of bed. I look out the window and see the deep snow, remembering that it's supposed to snow a lot today. I quickly get ready and am about to go out of my room, opening the door, and I see my mom rushing up the stairs thinking I'm not yet ready for school and says "It's a snow day! Get back in your room and get some more sleep!" Surprised by the news, not believing that it's a snow day, I grab my phone and text some people. They tell me that it is a snow day so I do a belly flop onto my bed and sit on my phone. After an hour or so, I go out of my room and downstairs to eat breakfast. After that, I rush outside and have a huge snowball fight with my neighbors.
SOL- 5/31 March 5th
So today is my mom's birthday. I wake up, get ready for school, and make my mom a quick note saying Happy Birthday, and go downstairs for breakfast. My mom is in the kitchen, so I give her the note and make some breakfast. The rest of the day goes well, and for dinner we celebrate my mom's birthday, and while my mom was blowing out her candles, I secretly wished for my birthday to be closer too.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
SOL-4/31 March 4th
My feet bury themselves in the sand, causing me to sink deeper and deeper into the ground. The wind carries some umbrellas far from their spot on the beach. The ocean waves crash onto the sand. I run over to the water, and its surprisingly warm. After being in the water for a while and jumping over the waves, I go back to where my mom and aunt are and lay down on my towel. I close my eyes, and just listen to the ocean waves, splashing against the sand, peacefully. After a few moments (or so it seems) I feel my mom shaking me and saying
"Wake up! It's time to go eat lunch!"
"Did I fall asleep?"
I was pretty young at the time, around 6, when we used to go to California every summer for 2 weeks. At lunch, we have some sandwiches, and then went back to my aunts house.
"Wake up! It's time to go eat lunch!"
"Did I fall asleep?"
I was pretty young at the time, around 6, when we used to go to California every summer for 2 weeks. At lunch, we have some sandwiches, and then went back to my aunts house.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Book Blog 3/31 March 3rd
This week I read a book called Love Letters to the Dead by Ava Dellaira. It is about a girl named Laurel whose sister May died in high school. When Laurel's English teacher assigns the class to write a letter to someone who died, it all begins. Laurel has a tough life, and this book shows that through her writing letters to famous dead people, about her life and flashbacks to when her sister was alive. I really liked this book, because it's a different style, and the whole story is really different. This is one of my favorite books, because it's written so well, and it's really descriptive. This book has a lot of mature topics and language mainly toward the end, but a little throughout the rest of the book. Love Letters to the Dead is a mystery, with some love, and adventure. I think that everyone should read this book, although its kind of sad.
The Promise of a Pencil
Counting by Sevens
The Promise of a Pencil
Counting by Sevens
Monday, March 2, 2015
SOL- 2/31 March 2nd
![]() |
This is not my dog :) |
Sunday, March 1, 2015
SOL- 1 out of 31 March 1st- It's Just The Beginning
step into the school and take a deep breath. This is my first year in
AS, and I'm going to spend the next three years or so, and I'm kinda
scared. Not only is there more more work to do, but we are the oldest
people in the school (besides the teachers) and some of the students
seem tall and scary. Plus, I will be the youngest in AS, which is kinda
creepy. As I walk up the stairs and through the hallway, I feel a chill
going up my spine, and exploding through my body. Of course, then the
goosebumps erupt, but slowly start to disappear. I walk into the
classroom, and some people greet me as I walk around cluelessly trying
to find my desk. The first day of school starts out well with talking
about our summers, and getting to know each other. I sense that it will
be a fun year, even if I'm the youngest in all of AS.
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