Monday, January 12, 2015


Who knew the snow could be so deep in my neighbors backyard? I step into it, thinking its shallow, but fall through, it going up to my knee. Good thing I'm wearing snow pants, and that its mainly one area that has A TON of snow. My neighbor turns around, getting her sled out so we could go on it. I pick up a bunch of snow, make it into a snowball, and throw it at her, it hitting her arm. She turns back to me, and I can see by the look on her face this isn't going to end well. I mean, of course she's kidding, but I know her. She CAN plot her revenge. I run into the deep snow, grab a lot of it, and run around her backyard, ready to throw all the snow I can at her. She throws a snowball at me.
"It's on." I say. While she bends down to get more snow, I take her hood off and pot some snow down her coat. 
She screams, and tries to do the same, but fails because I know whats going on. We spend the rest of the afternoon having snowball fights and having fun in the snow. We have a great time, and afterwards we drink some hot chocolate.


  1. Ah. Snow is good even when it's not skiing! Cool slice!

  2. that was really fun sounding! I love doing that whith my friends

  3. I love snow! That sounds like a very fun snowy day. :)

  4. Sounds like lots of fun! That's one of my favorite parts of winter.
