Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Blossoming Universe of Violet Diamond by Brenda Woods

This book is about a girl named Violet who has a strange life. Her mom and sister are white, when she's African American since her dad was, who died before she was born. She decides to learn more about her dad's side of the family, and finds out some things she hasn't expected. This book is funny, sad, and happy all at the same time. I liked this book- it was pretty good, but not the best. It was really easy to read, because it was aimed for a little younger audiences. It doesn't have any mature topics, and if someone wants a easy read, this is the right book for you. My favorite character was Violet because I knew the most about her and she was really brave and smart, and knew what to do. She had tough times, but she always dealt with them and was caring and helpful.

The Promise of a Pencil
Counting by Sevens

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