Saturday, December 14, 2013

Slice of Life

     It almost took me a minute to find one of the perfect gifts for my BFF. It may be small, but it sure will mean a lot to her. We walk into the icy air, looking for good shops to go to. I hold my hot chocolate close, the warmness of it drifting into my hands. I release a breath, steam blowing out of my mouth. This is my first time on the Holiday Walk, and it is amazing. I take 5 step before my feet go to a halt. 

     We are standing in front of Barnes and  Noble, looking through the window at brand new books for all ages. I shiver and we walk inside. We spread amongst the floor, looking at groups, meeting other groups, and getting drinks. My stomach growls, begging for food. We will eat soon, so I'm not worried. We find another group and all decide where to eat. We walk out of the store, making our way to 'The Corner Bakery' We are all an AS, and that's what makes the Holiday Walk so special.


  1. Yeah really, so true. Did you see the huge brownies at the Corner Bakery:)?

  2. A great slice about an event that is just a slice of AS life. I could envision it all from your description and my own Holiday Walk experiences.

  3. I like the sensory details you included, especially about the food and the cold.
