Monday, November 4, 2013

Wake Amanda Hocking

This week I read a book called Wake  by Amanda Hocking.
This is a REALLY good book. It is about a 16 year old girl named Gemma, who  meets 3 girls, Penn, Lexi, and Thea who are visiting. They are beautiful, and their usual area is at the bay, where Gemma loves to swim. To Gemma, swimming her LIFE. She is a very good one, and a lot of people know that. This book is a little bit of romance, mystery, and can give you the creeps. This is a very unique book and I really recommend it. It is in third person, and is both for boys and girls. It is a cliffhanger, but a series book. I have not read the other books.

Pages: 309
Next Book: Solving Zoe


  1. I like books that can give you the creeps sometimes, and overall it sounds pretty good, I shall add it to my mile long TBR list!

  2. I started this book on the overnight and I think that I am going to read it this week, but I'm not sure yet.
